A neurosurgeon is trained in surgical treatment of disorders that affect the brain, 脊髓, 神经, and the system of blood vessels that circulates blood in the brain (cerebrovascular system). Our surgeons have specialized training in many aspects of neurosurgery and work with you to develop a unique plan to achieve your best outcome. Our nurses are specially trained in caring for patients with neurological disease or injury.   

今天, open craniotomy procedures are being replaced with less-invasive catheter-based techniques that are performed through a needle stick.  

With the addition of the biplane neuroangiography technology, our treatment options continue to expand. Doctors can follow the path of blood flow through the vessels in your brain. A roadmap is created that helps pinpoint the precise location of disease or malformation. 

Together with you and your loved ones, we can provide the right care options to meet your needs and help get you back to your life.  

We can provide expertise in many aspects of neurosurgery, including  

  • 脑部肿瘤 
  • Cerebral vascular disease 
  • Minimally invasive spinal surgery 
  • Neurological trauma 
  • Neuro-oncology 
  • 中风 

And treat disorders that include:

Spinal disorders 

  • Adult degenerative back problems and disc disease 
  • Cervical disc herniation 
  • Congenital spinal disorders 
  • Lumbar disc herniation 
  • Spinal degenerative disease 
  • Spinal tumors 
  • Spinal cord trauma 
  • 脊柱创伤 
  • Spinal tumors 
  • Thoracic disc herniation 

Brain disorders 

  • 脑外伤 
  • 脑部肿瘤 
  • CP angle tumors 
  • Pituitary tumors 
  • Cranial trauma 
  • 创伤 

Cerebrovascular disease 

  • Arteriovenous malformation (AVM) 
  • Carotid issues 
  • Cavernoma or cavernous angiomas 
  • Cerebral aneurysms 
  • Dural AV fistulas 
  • Ischemic stroke 
  • 性烟雾 
  • Transient ischemic attack (TIA) 

Accredited 中风 Program

We have a comprehensive program for treatment and recovery from stroke with a team that includes cardiology, neurosciences and rehabilitation specialists.